Gary Roden

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YouTube Business Trends

In the ever-evolving digital ecosystem, YouTube stands as a behemoth, shaping trends, influencing cultures, and providing a platform for businesses to thrive. As we embark on a journey to uncover the latest trends and predictions in the YouTube business, it becomes evident that adaptation and innovation are the keys to success. From content creation to […]

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The Essential Steps to Backing Up Data and Protecting Your Data On The Internet

In the current era of technology, protecting your important data is extremely crucial. This includes personal items like photographs and papers or essential files for business. Losing this information because of problems with computer equipment, security issues, or unexpected situations can have severe consequences. Having a strong plan for backup is very important to keep

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The Link Between CCTV, Data Protection, Privacy and Cyber Security

In an era where technology profoundly influences every aspect of our lives, the implementation of CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) systems has become ubiquitous across the UK. While these systems are vital for ensuring security and monitoring activities, they also raise significant concerns related to data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity. This article explores these interconnected issues, offering

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